Thursday, 26 June 2014


We've arrived safely after a good journey, if tiring!

What a wonderful world!  By the time we were passing over Cheltenham the clouds had gathered only to part as we approached Greenland.  And what a sight!

There were icebergs in profusion and spectacular views of the coast of Greenland - with its bare mountains, patches of snow and ice and everywhere signs of glaciers that used to be.   Was it the height of summer or the onset of climate change?  It certainly made you think!

As we neared the coast of Canada the ice in the sea was even more spectacular and the bare rock even more impressive.  And then it was the sheer expanse of the landscape, with so many lakes dotted around, the remnants of an ice cover.

And then the increasing industrialisation as we arrived at the Great Lakes and Chicago.

There was a certain irony arriving from England after its early departure from the World Cup to see the crowds around TV sets watching the USA get through to the last 16 for the first time!

A quiet evening exploring old Omaha - home to the Pacific Union Railroad and very much in the heart of the Mid West with the Missouri this year in flood for the first time for a long time.

Everyone very welcoming.  Tomorrow an opportunity to get settled in, see the sights and get ready for our conference.

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