Sunday, 6 July 2014

On to Spencer

We've made it!

A three hour drive past endless fields of corn and soya bean brought us to Spencer.

After lunch we said good bye to Kay and Rich and joined Wendy and Tom.

After a short tour of the town, starting with a wonderful ceramic sculpture telling the story of Spencer and a drive past the Community Theatre that Tom and Wendy do so much at we joined their Saturday evening congregation for a Communion service.

It was good to see the things going on in the church, and interesting to see that they too host a Narcotics Anonymous group as we do.  Very much involved in the community they had great rooms for young people's activity and lots going on.

Tom and Wendy led the service and I preached making connections with the conference.  It was good to see a number of people from the NACCC meetings there at the service.

The service over it was back to Tom and Wendy's home to have dinner that included Sweet Corn for the first time!!!  It was good meeting their son, Eric and his wife Katie - both involved in theatre in Chicago.  Great to see Eric's wonderful collection of Star War things and to compare notes on the West Wing.  The episode in Series 2 on Shibboleth I want to look at again!

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